SARC Participated and contributed to FSSFS project baseline assessments validation workshop
Somali Agricultural Research and Consultancy (SARC) Participated and contributed to FSSFS (Food Security and Sustainability in Fragile Situations) project baseline assessments validation workshops co-organized by CEFA (European Committee for Agricultural Training), VSF-G (Veterinaries sans Frontiers -Germany) and PROCASUR Africa. The main objectives of the workshop were :
- Presentation of CEFA, VSFG, and the FSSFS Project (objectives, design, activities,
- methodologies, etc.) and key findings of the assessment studies carried out within the frame of the project
- Participatory consultations and validation of those findings
- Presentation of PROCASUR and expected results of the consultancy on the capitalization of knowledge and,
- Identification of preferred methods and ways to respond to target communities’ specific needs.
The workshop was attended by more than 100 participants representing different stakeholders including Ministries of Agriculture and livestock staff, service providers, representative of data palm producers, agrovets, agribusiness dealers, and research and development organization.
SARC actively participated the workshop by participating the panel discussion in both Milk and data palm value chain development, and discussions of all the assessments particularly those involved the value chain, smart-agriculture technologies and milk and meat value chains.
SARC also use such opportunity to know new stakeholders and partners working in the greater agricultural value chain in Puntland and extends a hand of collaboration and partnership in the future towards addressing food security challenges in Puntland and Somalia.
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