Livestock Sector Activity Data Collection in Somalia
SARC partners FANPRAN for livestock sector activity data collection in Somalia.
Climate change is transforming the planet’s ecosystems and threatening the wellbeing of current and future generations. Agricultural Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are a major contributor to climate change. The global livestock sector contributes a significant share to anthropogenic GHG emissions, but the sector has potential to deliver a significant share of the necessary mitigation effort. Low GHG emissions livestock development offers countries an opportunity to achieve economic gains, while responding to climate change.
With commitments to the Paris Agreement and the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) decision in place, countries must move towards having detailed, at least Tier 2, baselines for livestock emissions to support their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), tools to support Monitoring, Verification and Reporting (MRV) and context-specific plans and policies in place to access climate finance and to respond to climate change. Despite such obligations, accounting for GHG emissions and removals by countries who are signatories to the treaty agreement often remain challenging.
Shortcomings in livestock activity data have thus far also limited the development and application of Tier 2 MRV methods (see Annex 1 for glossary of terms). The currently proposed activities aim to contribute to improved estimates of national livestock emissions and mitigation at Tier 2 levels and decision-support for achieving NDCs and tracking NDC performance in the livestock sector by increasing the understanding of the currently available and collected in-country activity data for Tier 2 estimates of livestock emissions.
The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) is providing support to the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (AgResearch) to coordinate collection of livestock activity data in sub-Saharan African countries.
SARC with support from FANRPAN, will undertake are outlined below. The tasks are arranged in chronological order but in reality, may need to be iterative.
- Identification of the respective ministries and agencies responsible for GHG inventory compilation and NDC development process, updates and policies
SARC will start by identifying and engaging the ministry/departments/agencies responsible for the building of national livestock sector GHG inventories and for the management of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and associated Monitoring, Verification and Reporting (MRV). The departments/ministries responsible for developing NDCs and GHG inventories will vary by country and may include ministries responsible for climate change and/or environment. SARC will collect information on how the NDCs and their MRV are developed, implemented and updated, and how the livestock sector has been included in the NDC as well as information on the policies guiding the NDC processes. in order to identify and collect information on the types of data used to calculate the country’s GHG inventory.
- Identification and collection of the currently used livestock sector GHG inventory
SARC will engage the ministry/departments/agencies identified in (i) to identify and collect information on the types of data used to calculate the country’s GHG inventory, focusing on livestock GHG emissions. In addition, they will seek information on the institutions responsible for providing the different types of data.
- Identification of the current national processes and responsibilities for the collection of livestock sector activity data
SARC will seek information on and describe the processes involved in data collection and collation by the different (named) agencies, covering the following aspects: types of data (population, production and productivity, feeds and feeding systems), methodologies used, frequency of data collection, and level of geographical disaggregation. The agencies will include ministries and organizations that collect livestock activity data as part of their official mandate and those that may collect such data to facilitate their work but with no official mandate for data collection.
- Identification, collection and collation of the livestock activity data
The information from (i) – (iii) above will be used to inform the type of livestock activity data to collect, including animal sub-categories, livestock products and production systems, production and productivity, livestock feed use etc. used in national statistics guided by the supplied data collection template (Annex 2). The data collection will focus on key livestock types and production systems, namely: cattle, dairy, small ruminants (sheep and goats), poultry (commercial and subsistence) and camels .